30 in 30 Book Tour

From Geneseo to Guilford, Mystic to Madison, Wakefield to West Warwick, and more than a few in between. From Thanksgiving to Christmas, this authopreneur became the intrepid explorer and went hunting for my books and my people, the brick and mortar booksellers. What I found was a diverse culture of bookophiles, united by their efforts to keep the doors of their independent bookstore open. While the end goal is the same, each presented a unique style in their effort to reach it.

That uniqueness is what made my trip so interesting. I was quick to understand I wasn’t looking for the best. I’ll leave that up to you. One reader’s shelf is another reader’s barn. The new and the old, the big and the small are side by side. They all sell the magic of reading to a curious world. They are all looking for that special story that brings customers to the racks. And then to the cash register. Some you can find by computer, others by smell and feel. They are all selling books and every author appreciates their effort.

My 30 posts from the road are available on Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn. Look for #azrokxwrites or Greg Gilmartin. You may have to click around a moment, but you’ll find plenty of photos and my two cents on the brief visits to each store. I left my books where I could. I accepted the reluctance of those who didn’t particularly care for local authors. That was the contradiction evident. You gotta sell to be put on the shelves to be sold. Independent authors don’t have the exposure, yet, or the distribution network of the established book world. I only have control over the words I write, not who believes in me.

Yet, some do welcome the local author and give us our space. Regardless, if you are a reader, make a trip to the nearest book store and make the book buying experience a personal one. It’s more than clicking to buy. It’s basking in the spectacle of covers as far as the eye can see, stacks, racks and tables into the distance, and all the paraphanelia that comes with reading. You might find music at Howard’s, goats at Book Barn, cake at RJ Julia, even beer at special events at Rule 3. Across the region, it’s a festival of selling escape, knowledge, myths and truths. Get on the trail and find it for yourself.

On second thought, click “Shop” right here and I’ll send you one of my books. Or two!